
1980 – 2020

40 Years “A Remarkable Journey”
40 Años “Una Historia Admirable”

Thanks to you and to all who have supported us throughout our forty years.
Gracias a todos ustedes y a todos los que nos han apoyado a través de estos cuarenta años.

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Each year I reflect back about our recent accomplishments that have come to fruition through support from dedicated staff, the Board and from you our friends and supporters in the community.  We have much to celebrate as we reflect on 40 years of commitment, dedication and a deep sense of service to the most vulnerable people in Nassau County (Hispanics and Non-Hispanics alike).

Círculo received its articles of incorporation in 1980.  However, the history of Círculo began some years earlier.  Círculo’s founder, Gil Bernardino, came to the United States in 1974 to discover the many needs of the Long Beach Hispanic community.  Concerned about the oppression of immigrant populations, including Hispanic students in schools, and other underserved groups, Gil formed the vision of Círculo.

Barbara DuBow, through her ideas, advice and support provided the essential tools for Gil to make the dream of Círculo a reality.  Another key and trusted advisor who assisted Gil in developing the organization was Pat McCormack.

In 1980, New York State awarded Círculo its first grant of $25,000 to operate independently as a youth oriented organization.  It was difficult to open doors in the beginning.  Círculo started with three employees and a typewriter which had some missing keys.  Now, the organization has a team of over forty full and part-time staff and a sophisticated computer system including a technology center, as well as many other amenities thanks to the commitment and vision of Círculo’s dedicated staff, volunteers and Board members.

Many individuals have supported Círculo along this “Remarkable Journey”.  Former Senator Dean G. Skelos, provided the seed funding for Círculo’s Center about twenty-five years ago.  His vision and support enabled us to think large and dream of a Center that would serve thousands and thousands of individuals and families for many generations to come.  We are especially grateful to Eileen Mullin and Lance Roth of Non Profit Preferred Funding.  They were instrumental in securing the loan for this project.  Non Profit Preferred Funding purchased the bonds made available through the Town of Hempstead Industrial Development Agency.  Welquis R. López, a longtime friend of Círculo, has also been very supportive of our organization for many years and assisted Círculo achieve its dream to build a Center.

We want to recognize former County Executive Ed Mangano for his financial support to the Center.  Through his support Círculo has been able to enhance the Center.  Thank you.  In addition, former Supervisor Kate Murray, of the Town of Hempstead, also has helped to support activities and programming at the Center and provided Círculo with funding in the past.  Gracias Supervisor Murray for your support.  We also want to extend our thanks to former Mayor Wayne Hall, Sr. who supported our Center including our Nature Explorer Classroom Project.  We are grateful to all of them.

As we continue on our mission to improve the lives of individuals and their families through a comprehensive continuum of social service, recreation, education, cultural, economic development and social justice programs, we are grateful for the special efforts of dedicated employees, supportive volunteers, Board members, corporate partners and friends who have helped us live our mission.  Together we can make a difference. Thank you.